‘Years Ago’ is a compilation of newsy tidbits as published in the Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout on this week ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or sixty years ago.
OCTOBER 8, 2009 – The groundbreaking for the North Mills relocation site is scheduled for this Friday, Oct. 9 at Site A on Highway 131 just north of Bluebird Lane in Gays Mills… In a once in a lifetime opportunity, the North Crawford cross country teams competed in the 11thAnnual Iolani Invitational held on September 26, 2009 on the island of Oauhu, Hawaii. Three years ago, Coach Allbaugh ran into his old running partner from North Crawford, Jim Rubasch. Rubasch is the head cross country coach for Iolani High School, where every year the school hosts a meet that is open to mainland teams. After three years of planning and fundraising, the 16 students of the cross country team along with five chaperones and one coach traveled to Hawaii for the meet and a tropical vacation.
OCTOBER 7, 1999 – The Autumn Splendor Excursion Train will depart the Boscobel Depot on Saturday and Sunday next week. The train will make seven trips each day between Boscobel and Woodman to view the fall colors and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Lower Wisconsin River Valley... Kindergarten students in Deb Benish’s class at Seneca Schools invited their grandmothers to come to their class recently to make apple pies, applesauce and cinnamon ornament apples….
JULY 27, 1989 – William and Freda Reynolds, who farm in the Town of Marietta, rural Boscobel, have received the 1989 Goodyear Award for their conservation farming practices. William bought the farm from his mother in 1947 and has kept wildlife areas on every tract of land from valley bottom to the ridge top.
JULY 26, 1979 – Corliss Ewers, known by his friends as Corley, has worked on cars, trucks, transmissions, brakes and what have you since he was 16 years old. Lately, you’ll see him working at Gays Mills Motors. He worked there before for over 16 years when Bob Irlbeck, owned the establishment.
OCTOBER 9, 1969 – The entire deventh grade class at North Crawford Junior High was bused out to Wyalusing for a three-day outdoor education experience. Pictured is the group getting ready to go as Mr. Pratt, junior high principal, calls out the student roster.
OCTOBER 8, 1959 – Over 600 persons, after inspecting the all-new Chevrolet Corvair and its big sister companion cars, the conventional Chevrolets, registered at the Nelson Motor Company showroom in Gays Mills over the weekend. Coffee, donuts, cigars and free favors for all were also a part of the two-day showing. Mrs. Paul Dommersnaes, Gays Mills, won the snack set and Bob Sharp, Soldiers Grove, the socket wrench set. Ann Moses won the manicure set and Walter Munson, the football. Both are from Gays Mills.