Couleecap has been awarded a grant for $1,000 from Vernon Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up Trust.
“Vernon Electric Cooperative’s support will provide leasing, housing, and extensive support services to individuals and families who are homeless,” said Kim Cable, Couleecap’s Housing & Community Services Director.
Vernon Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up Trust provides charitable contributions to individuals and organizations for food, shelter, education, and community oriented projects. More than 300 Vernon Electric Cooperative members voluntarily have their electric bill ‘rounded up’ to the next nearest dollar amount. The rounded up amount is then given back locally as charitable contributions.
“For only pennies a month, Vernon Electric members are making a difference in our community,” said Vernon Electric’s CEO Joe McDonald.
The primary goal of the Supportive Housing Program is to move individuals and families from homelessness to permanent housing and self-sufficiency. Those in the program work on goals such as finding employment, improving their housing stability, and increasing their self-determination. The Supportive Housing Program offers special support services to homeless participants who are disabled or experiencing mental health issues.
For every dollar Vernon Electric Cooperative donated, Couleecap will receive $4 in federal funding. “This $1,000 gift allows us to bring $4,000 of federal assistance to Crawford, La Crosse, Monroe, and Vernon counties,” said Cable.
Couleecap, Inc. is a private non-profit 501c3 charitable organization. Couleecap helps people in need with housing, food, transportation, and more. Created in 1966, we are a community action program that fights poverty and promotes self-sufficiency in Crawford, La Crosse, Monroe, and Vernon counties.