The Cuba City Common Council approved a contract with Redevelopment Resources for the Comprehensive Plan during its meeting last Wednesday night. Redevelopment Resources is a community impact-consulting firm. “We service to help communities leverage resources to grow and make positive contributions to the tax base, the businesses’ bottom line, and the lives of the residents and employees who live and work there,” said Kristen Fish-Peterson, CEcD Principal and CEO. The last Comprehensive Plan was completed and approved by the Cuba City common council in December 2009. The Comprehensive Plan will focus on nine elements: Issues and Opportunities, Housing, Transportation, Utilities & Community Facilities, Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources, Economic Development, Intergovernmental Cooperation, Land Use, and Implementation. “The Comprehensive Plan is important because it’s a way for us to improve Cuba City,” said Economic Developer Bob Jones. “If you a want dog park or a bike trail and it’s not in the Comprehensive Plan it’s going to be hard to get the funds for it.” There will be public hearings taking place at the end of August. “The public engagement period is the initial phase and it will generate the vision for our course of action,” said Jones. “The more people involved the better, and Redevelopment Resources has a very good reputation in this aspect. While Cuba City is a terrific community, we are constrained and unable to grow as are most communities in this region. We expect the Comprehensive Plan update to help us to overcome the challenges and lay out a plan for smart growth.”
Cuba City picks consulting firm for Comphrensive Plan