DARLINGTON – Darlington Community School Board of Education members agreed to table the 2018-2019 Building & Grounds projects proposed at $166,215 for the next meeting in order to get more information on furniture for the district office.
That came about when board member RJ Brunkow asked about the $12,500 worth of boardroom furniture.
District Administrator Denise Wellnitz stated that amount was for furniture for both the school board room and for the district office. She stated that it was requested last year to possibly purchase new furniture for the school board room along with the furniture that was needed in the district office; therefore Wellnitz added it to the list.
Some members voiced how they felt their table and chairs were fine and in good working condition.
“We discussed a lot of things in the Building & Grounds committee but if something on the list needed to go, this could be it. We have talked about replacing the furniture in this room for the past couple of years but we always find better projects to spend the money on. We will have to do it at some point but maybe not this year,” president Aaron Wolfe suggested.
Wellnitz added that the old furniture in the boardroom would not be thrown away but repurposed in the DEMS conference room.
Brunkow asked how bad was the carpet in the district office. Wellnitz stated it was bad and it has been difficult for the maintenance staff to work with and try to clean.
Lee Black mentioned that the carpet was over 20 years old and needed to be replaced. The cost for replacement carpet in the district office was $5,810 and $2,760 in the boardroom. It was mentioned that if the carpet was to be replaced in the district office, it would make sense to replace it in the boardroom also as it was the same carpet and was the same age.
Brunkow was concerned with spending $12,500 on furniture and suggested that the amount of furniture needed for the district office be split away from the boardroom furniture.
Bob Hermanson added that the proposed secure entrance to the main office could also be taken out of the budget and save the district more money if the district receives grant money from the state since that new bill passed, giving money to schools who are making their buildings more secure.
Wellnitz agreed. They hope to be approved for the money and used that to add more cameras and a vestibule to the main entrance of DHS in the fall after the projects are done this summer to the science department. The doors they would like to use are currently on backorder for 12 weeks.
“We don’t have to approve it tonight. If we want we can get an idea of what just the district office furniture will cost and table the rest of it for the next meeting. Approving this at the next meeting will not cause a problem with getting other things done,” Wolfe stated.
Wellnitz said she would look into splitting that portion out of the budget
Other Business
The board also approved/accepted on March 19 and their April 3 meeting:
-a donated percussion kit valued at $50 from Jason and April Lancaster.
-Kalee Crist as a volunteer middle school assistant track coach.
-Diane Zywicki’s request to retire on July 13, 2018 after 28 years of service.
-a donation of a portable transport unit for the Wyalusing program, valued at $50 from Jason and Tammy King.
-Roger Zee secured funding through Donorschoose.org for a Dremel Digilab 3D40 printer, valued at $1,097.87.
-Lori Nordorft’s resignation as the DEMS Student Council (TTP) Advisor and DHS Cheerleading Advisor.
-Pamela Schramer’s request to resign as a Teaching Assistant.
-the 2018-2019 SWEEP Contract.
-changing the 2017-2018 School Calendar to have a half day on June 1.
-2018-2019 product bids with a change in the secondary student insurance to Student Assurance for $9,280.
2018-2019 Building & Grounds projects considered