Dual sport participation was the hot topic of the Boscobel School Board’s Monday night meeting for August.
Following a late start from closed session, Board President Todd Miller held the public comment section of the meeting until the agenda item regarding the dual sport participation appeared on the agenda.
Cross Country Coach Grant Reynolds came to the board seemingly very concerned about the prospect of bringing dual sport participation to Boscobel.
“I reached out to several other coaches about dual sport participation and I received no positive feedback,” Reynolds said. “The risk of injury, the lack of recovery time, those are some of the main issues, as well as finding the practice time. I know they did it at Lancaster and it sounds good in theory but one of the main problems seems that it marginalizes the athlete instead of having them excel in one sport. Back-to-back participation, no recovery time, kids are spending every day at practice or playing.”
To read the complete story please see the Aug 23, 2018 issue of the Boscobel Dial.