DARLINGTON – The Darlington Community School District Board of Education approved a bid from Iverson Construction of Kieler for the back parking lot at the high school for the summer of 2020.
Iverson Construction’s bid for the parking lot was $282,780.80.That bid included the parking lot from the auditorium to the exiting driveway toward the DEMS building being completely re-done. Storm sewer will be all new and underground. The storm sewer will connect everything southeast of the building to the locker rooms and tie into the existing storm sewer and will expel the water down the natural water way northeast of the building between the baseball field and the track. This will help eliminate washouts in the parking lot and all the water issues near the cafeteria, which Maintenance Manger Lee Black stated has been worse this year due to the excess of rain. A cement curve from the baseball field to the driveway of the football concession stand will help with some of the water issue.
Some of what was going to be done on the front part of the parking lot this year will be done in the project for next year. The recommendation from Black at a previous meeting was to wait. Iverson Construction’s bid included portions of the front parking lot project. There will still be repairs done to the parking lots this year such as crack filling and cold mix being placed in the pot holes but after the scope of the work is done on the back parking lot next year, the front will be seal coated and the entire parking lot will look brand new.
Colleen Reichling made the motion to approve the bid from Iverson Construction with Joe Schilling seconding. The motion passed unanimously.
Other business
The Darlington Board of Education also approved/accepted:
-the Alternative School Contract with Mineral Point.
-the Autism/Behavior Consultation Contract for 2019-2020.
-the WIAA participation for 2019-2020.
-the contract with CESA 6 for the district website.
-approved the hire of Heather Lutes as the DEMS Physical Education Teacher
-approved the hire of Luz Burkard as the DEMS Bilingual Teacher
-approved the hire of Anna Gavin as the DHS Spanish Club Adviser