SHULLSBURG – The Shullsburg School District Board of Education approved raises for the Shullsburg Education Association (SEA) personnel and support staff for the 2018-2019 school year at their meeting on Wednesday, May 9.
The recommendation from the Personnel Committee was raise every cell on the salary schedule by $747, which is 2.13% of the starting salary for teachers. The 2.13% is the current consumer price index (CPI) amount.
The Personnel Committee also proposed to allow steps for years of experience for anyone that is not topped out of their lane and lane advancement for anyone that has completed eight credits or successfully completed a professional development plan. A majority of personnel are not topped out of their lane in the salary schedule and will receive a step. There are at least six personnel that will complete their professional development plan or have successfully completed their eight credits.
With the raise of $747 plus the step for personnel that qualify, the average raise would be around $1,600-1,700, which would be an additional cost of $46,474 to the district.
The Personnel Committee also discussed the competitive market today and the potential of increasing either the starting salary for teachers or to increase the top of the salary schedule, with the hopes of attracting new teachers with the higher starting salary or retaining teachers by rewarding them for their years of service in the district.
The committee agreed to change the longevity payment in the salary schedule in Step 14 and 20. District Administrator Loras Kruser explained that teachers in Step 14 (Bachelor’s plus 24) aren’t necessarily frozen but their next step is a significant one; going on to get a Master’s degree. In Step 20 (Master’s plus 16) is the top of the salary schedule. Those eight people in those steps have worked hard to get to where they are and have not been rewarded for their years dedicated to the district. The committee proposed changing the additional $500 in Step 14 and 20 to $800 and $1200, respectively.
Kruser stated this is a one-time proposal and it is not being locked in.
Newest board member Nathan Russell asked why doesn’t the board individually negotiate teachers that aren’t part of SEA.
“It would make more sense to me then to dole out money. I’m most worried about the hiring season. We have people come and go and we want to keep the best and brightest and hire the best for our kids,” Russell stated.
Timmerman asked at what point would the board negotiate with those looking to leave. Russell commented prior.
“I don’t think the additional $300 or $700 is going to be enough to keep people from being poached [from other schools],” Russell added.
Amy Charles stated that they would be starting at a $747 increase for everyone then on top of that is the additional pay for those individuals. She felt this was the closest to getting to a salary range as the district could, which isn’t something that is typically done in education.
“Back to Nathan’s point, we have the flexibility to negotiate where it is warranted and needed. We need to have some kind of standard and if we don’t we will have chaos and that isn’t equitable. I feel like this is a good place to start,” Charles said.
Charles made a motion to approve the base wage proposal as presented with Jacinda Gunnell seconding. The motion passed with abstentions from Russell and Lee Gill.
Support Staff Wage Proposal
The board also discussed the wage proposal for the support staff at Shullsburg proposed by the Personnel Committee, which was presented as a $.50 per hour increase as long as there were no changes or adjustments to the staff.
Kruser also discussed the anticipated transition of his position out of the district. As that transition increases, the duties for bookkeeping would also increase. The committee weighed in the adjustment the bookkeeper would have received through technology support and came up with a $1.63 per hour increase.
A motion was made and seconded, passing 4-2-1, with Timmerman and Chad Teasdale abstaining and Russell voting against since he did not have sufficient time to look over the proposal to make an informed decision.
Other Business
The Shullsburg School District Board of Education also approve/accepted:
-teachers hired for Summer program: Alaina Markham – Band; Scott Matye - Driver’s Ed.; Jen Russell - Agriculture/FFA; Susan Morhardt – Guidance; Luke Tyson - Basketball Skills; Jordan Palmer - English/Literature; and Tammy Woodworth - Elementary Reading.
-the resignations of Angela Klein as Director of Special Ed and Pupil Services, and Kelly Judy, custodian.
-Eugene Uheling as board president, Jacinda Gunnell as board vice-president, Lee Gill as board clerk, and Pat Timmerman as board treasurer.
-an anonymous donation of $7,000 for the purchase of a gym divider for the high school gymnasium.
-nursing services from Lafayette County Health Department for the 2018-2019 school year.
-the bid from Stalker Sports Floor to refinish the high school gymnasium floor for $25,025.
Wages for 2018-2019 worked out for Shullsburg District