The Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Conservation program is sponsoring a field trip from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 27 to Battle Bluff Prairie in Vernon County.
Learn about management of Wisconsin Bluff Prairies, the rare species that inhabit them, and why these sites are considered “globally rare.” Also see spectacular views of the Mississippi River, native grasses, and the last blooming prairie plants of the season. After a half-mile walk-in, the hike may get strenuous as participants climb around a steep hillside near cliffs and rock outcrops. Wear flexible clothing and good hiking shoes. Bring plenty of water, snacks or a sack lunch. The potential to see fall migrating raptors will be high so bring binoculars, if interested.
Please meet at 11 a.m. at the Pronto gas station parking lot in DeSoto, WI (the only gas station in DeSoto). DeSoto is located at the intersection of State Hwy. 35 and Hwy. 82, 30 miles south of La Crosse and 30 miles north of Prairie du Chien. Please park just south of the station near the Forest Fire Danger sign; check the meeting location web map.
Please RSVP your intent to join Trip Leader: Armund Bartz, DNR District Ecologist, by Sept. 25 by phone: 608-785-9019 or email:
There is no cost to participate.