Perhaps surprisingly given the length of discussion one month ago, the Platteville Common Council took less time than a walk to the end of the street to revoke a sidewalk waiver for the under-construction McDonald’s at 1775 Progressive Parkway.
The council’s unanimous vote reversed its decision March 24 to allow McDonald’s to build sidewalks only on Progressive Parkway and not Commercial Drive or Business 151.
The city’s Safe Routes Committee July 20 unanimously recommended the council revoke the sidewalk waiver, forcing McDonald’s to build sidewalks on Progressive Parkway, Commercial Drive and East Business 151. The next-door Sherwin–Williams Paint Store, at 1741 Progressive Way, had requested a waiver, but it was denied April 28.
The committee also asked the council to “expand pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the community” and to not grant sidewalk waivers unless property owners contribute double the estimated cost of sidewalk construction to a fund for future sidewalk construction.
The council took no action on the committee’s two other votes pending a future work session on sidewalks.
“A waiver was granted [to McDonald's]; a waiver was not granted to Sherwin–Williams,” said council president Eileen Nickels. “If the council wishes to change their mind, which we have the right to do, and require sidewalks on all sides of that property, in fairness to McDonald’s we need to make that decision tonight. … The bigger issue of connectivity requires a work session.”
District 1 Ald. Barb Stockhausen said she favors sidewalks from East Mineral Street to Progressive Parkway. She said she witnessed a family with young children carrying packages walk on Business 151 from Walmart to East Mineral Street, “and I found that very sad, that we as a community cannot afford to insist on sidewalks in the most progressive area of town. If we expect our community to use those stores, how are you going to get there?”