The home for playground equipment donated to the City of Fennimore will not be Foxmoor Park, if neighbors of the park have their voice heard.
The Fennimore Common Council met at Foxmoor Park on Monday evening, Sept. 24 to discuss the placement of the playground equipment. Thirteen neighbors of the park attended the meeting.
“Is it set in stone it is going to be here?” asked Corrina Friederick of the council. “None of us want this here. None of us.”
Mayor Charles Stenner told Friederick the matter is not set in stone.
“If it was set in stone we wouldn’t be having this meeting,” he said.
In a letter mailed to the neighbors of Foxmoor Park, City Clerk Margaret Sprague explained the council would look to identify an area 30’ x 50’ during the meeting.
“They are looking for a location that is relatively level so site preparation costs are minimal,” the letter stated. “This location will be on the east side of the creek that runs through the park.”
The playground equipment to be installed was donated by Hardees. Two separate pieces have been donated by Southwest Wisconsin Technical College.
The Fennimore Kiwanis Club has offered to partner with the city to offset some of the installation costs of the project, according to the letter mailed to neighbors of the park.
“We thought this would be a natural place to put it because there isn’t any playground equipment around here,” Stenner said.
More than one of the neighbors told the council Foxmoor Park is often used by walkers.
“We have a real quiet place where we have a lot of walkers,” one neighbor said. “I don’t think that should be changed.”
In an attempt to play devil’s advocate, Stenner asked those gathered what the harm was in placing playground equipment near the park’s walking trail.
“It is not peaceful walking in front of them,” Friederick answered.
The neighbors in attendance appreciated the letter from the council and the opportunity to voice their concerns. In turn, the council appreciated the remarks of the neighbors.
“It is pretty obvious to me the people in this neighborhood would rather not see this here,” alderperson Greg Fry said. “I think we need to re-think putting this here at all.”
What will the fate of the much-maligned playground equipment be?
“If it doesn’t go here it will be up to the council where else they want to put it,” Stenner told those gathered.
Following the meeting at the park, the council held the remainder of the meeting at the council chambers.
Yield signs no more
The council unanimously approved eliminating yield signs throughout the city in favor of stop signs.
“I find yield signs to be dangerous myself,” Fry said. “Some people get so used to driving through them.”
All street signs in the city will need to be replaced with new signs that feature reflective paint, making it an opportune time to make the change.
When replacement of the signs will begin will be discussed at the council’s next meeting.
In other action, the council:
• approved the closure of streets in conjunction with the Homecoming Parade scheduled for Friday, Sept. 28 at 2:30 p.m.
According to Fennimore Middle/High School Principal Dan Bredeson, the parade route will be:
* The parade will begin with a line-up on 7th Street
* travel south on Jackson Street for two blocks
* turn west onto 9th Street for one block
* turn south on Jefferson Street for one block
* turn east on 10th Street for two blocks, which will conclude the parade.
As was the case last year, the students of Fennimore Elementary School will watch the parade from the St. Mary’s Church parking lot.
• approved a request to serve food in the Memorial Building’s auditorium during a benefit next year.
A benefit for Josh Warpinski will be held on Feb. 24, 2013. The event, scheduled for 7 a.m. until noon, will include a breakfast and silent auction.
Curfew ordinance
The council also discussed possible changes to the city’s ordinance regarding curfew.
Officers of the Fennimore Police Department have discussed with City Attorney Eileen Brownlee the possibility of making curfew an hour earlier. At the moment, curfew is at 11 p.m.
“Why do they need to change it?” alderpson Mark Schoepp asked. “Have they had problems?”
“Apparently they are having some problems, yes,” Sprague replied.
Schoepp and Fry both expressed an interest in learning how many citations for curfew violations are being written.
“My concern there is the existing one being enforced,” Fry said. “Over the years I have been on the council we have written several ordinances and for the most part, have not been enforced.
“There are some we have written and asked to be enforced that aren’t being enforced, so spending money for lawyer fees to write ordinances that aren’t going to be enforced, it has no teeth in it.”
Park neighbors voice playground worries