ARGYLE - On Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016, at 12:06 p.m., the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call reporting a boating accident that occurred just below the dam in Argyle.
It was reported that the boat had overturned, and multiple male adults were in the water and were holding on to the boat.
Argyle Fire Department and EMS, along with deputies from the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office were immediately dispatched.
The investigation reveals that Michael H. Wilson, 46, of Broadhead, Thomas L. Melland, 46, of Monroe, and Kevin L. Holverson, 42, of rural Browntown were fishing in the Pecatonica River near the dam when their boat was pulled into the spillway due to the extreme current generated by the high river level. All three men were ejected from the boat when it overturned. Wilson and Melland were rescued from the river by first responders and were transported to the Monroe Hospital. Medflight later transported Melland to the UW Hospital in Madison where he passed away on Sunday. Holverson was unaccounted for. Recovery efforts continued all day Saturday and Sunday and were resumed Monday morning after being suspended on Sunday evening at approximately 5 p.m.
At 11:42 a.m. Monday, Feb. 22, 2016, members of the Argyle Fire Department located the body of Holverson in the Pecatonica River near the dam in Argyle. Holverson had been missing since Saturday.
Blanchardville EMS, multiple units from Green County EMS, the Darlington Fire Department, and the Southwest Wisconsin Technical Rescue Team assisted the Argyle Fire Department and EMS personnel at the scene.
Several boats operated by members of the Argyle Fire Department and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources resumed their efforts to locate the missing subject, Sunday morning. Members of the Dane County Dive Team also assisted with the search. The Darlington Fire Department and the Southwest Wisconsin Technical Rescue Team as well as Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office personnel also returned to assist.
The investigation of the boating accident is being conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office.
Argyle boating accident