Efforts are under way to re-establish the Rotary Club of Platteville.
An informational lunch will be held at Cold Fusion, 92 E. Main St., Platteville, Tuesday, Oct. 15 at noon.
Rotary District 6250 Governor Dean Ryerson will welcome those who want to get involved or learn more about Rotary, whose motto is “Service Above Self.” Mike Ripp, a member of the Rotary of Prairie du Chien and the District Youth Protection Officer, is one of those working hard to get the club up and chartered.
“With the fastest growing university in the UW system, Platteville is ripe for a Rotary service club to serve the growing community,” said Ripp.
Marie Whisenant is passionate about the re-establishment of the club. She’s particularly interested in seeing the club get involved with the Rotary Youth Exchange program.
“With the quality of students at Platteville High School, along with a university that embraces a diverse international student population, this community is an ideal place for an active youth exchange program,” she said.
Whisenant appreciates the opportunity Rotary offered her daughter Anna, who is currently spending her junior year in South Korea through Rotary.
“I’ve met a lot of Rotarians over the last year, and quite a few Rotary Youth Exchange students,” said Whisenant. “They are a very impressive group of people.”
Menu orders will be taken for those who want to eat while the group meets. Meetings will continue at Cold Fusion on the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon, starting Nov. 5.
Contact Whisenant, 348-3596, mwhis@centurytel.net, with any questions or for more information.