MUSCODA - Although Santa won’t be making a special trip to the Muscoda Public Library this year for a visit he still wanted to make sure everyone was able to get a special treat.
The library will be offering a curbside pick up of book and candy bags for families to enjoy this holiday season.
The Christmas treat bags for children will be available at the Muscoda Library on Wednesday, December 16, Friday, December 18 and Saturday, December 19 during regular library curbside pickup times.
“Families can call and let us know when they can pick up and we can sit it out on the cart for them,” explained Library Director Lorna Aigner. “If they tell us the age of the child we will also be able to find a book that suits their interests.”
The library also wants to remind folks that they continue to offer their curb side service. As cold weather sits in and families are looking for entertainment indoors and at home, the library is a excellent choice to help beat cabin fever.
“We have been steady,”Aigner notes. “Not like what it was when people were able to walk in, but we want them to know that we still have books, audio books, magazines, DVDs and blue rays available for check out.” As always these items are free of charge to borrow from the library.
Interested in a topic but having a hard time deciding on a book? No problem! The library can help with that as well.
“We have a lot of adults who call and say they’re interested in a certain topic or author and ask if we can suggest a book, and we’re more than happy to do that,” Aigner shared. “People will also call and ask us to tell them about the books on our new books display and we can do that too.”
The library also offers this service for children’s books as well. You can simply call or e-mail the library with a little information about the child’s interest and reading levels and the staff will compile some books or other media for the youngster. Also still available are the book bags- pre made bags with books focusing on one topic of interest for young readers such as trucks or animals.
For those in the holiday spirit the library also has a wide array of seasonal books available.
“We have a special children’s section with holiday books available,” Aigner explained. “We also have many books on holiday baking cooking, and traditions as well.”
“We are willing to find our patron’s need,” Aigner said. “We want it to be as easy and accessible as possible.” The library is also issuing temporary library cards at this time if you were to want to check out materials and didn’t previously have a card to do so.
There are three different ways to order materials from the library currently. By phone at 608-739-3510, by e-mail at or by browsing and selecting materials on the library’s website catalog at
The library is currently open for curb side orders and service Monday and Friday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday from Noon until 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. until Noon.