‘Years Ago’ is a compilation of newsy tidbits as published in the Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout on this week ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or sixty years ago.
APRIL 21, 2011 – The Soldiers Grove Fire Department held its annual pancake supper last Saturday evening. The KP crew presented Mike McCormick with a plaque to show their appreciation for all the help he has given over the years. First Assistant Chief Jim Cox presented the award… The Mississippi River in the Prairie du Chien area passed the 21-foot level, placing the flood in the top 10 highest recorded level for the river since records were kept in the 19thcentury. The river in Crawford County is closed to boat traffic due to high water and fast currents.
APRIL 19, 2001 – The Kickapoo River rose to about a foot above flood stage Saturday in Gays Mills. Water completely surrounded the old powerhouse, now the Museum of the Kickapoo, and covered the camping area at Robb Park. Parts of Orin Street and the corner of Gays and School Streets were also flooded although no residents were evacuated from their homes… A groundbreaking ceremony was held Monday morning for the Building Automation Products, Inc. (BAPI) factory to be built in the new Gays Mills industrial park. Taking part in the ceremony were Clerk Robin Eitsert, Village President Larry McCarn, Vicki and Ritch Stevenson from BAPI, State Representative DuWayne Johnsrud, Bob Lomas, Jerry Raha, Ray Lacina and Dick Bertram. The Stevensons hope to have the plant operating in September.
APRIL 25, 1991 – The Soldiers Grove Lionesses Club held their 6thAnnual ‘Spring Fling’ Dance for 3rdthrough 8thgrade children last week. Jim McDonald of Readstown worked as the D.J… Queen Renee Chambers and King Tim Hatlan are shown with members of their court at Seneca High School’s Junior Prom. Grant Varo and Rachel Starkey were the Miniature King and Queen.
APRIL 23, 1981 – Four films will be shown at the Kickapoo Exchange Food Co-op in Gays Mills on Friday starting at 7:30 p.m. The films are: ‘The Medical Implications of Nuclear Power,’ ‘The Solar Promise,’ ‘Solar Heating,’ and ‘The New Alchemists’… The Seneca High School Track Team: Laurie Meyer, Angie Myers, Ann Fisher, Barb Boland, Judy Beers, John Jordan, Laurie Messling, Janice Kuring, Shelly Biggins, Ron Garcia, Scott Sutton, Mike Meer, Curt Cerise, Donald Zabel, Jeff Olson, Richard Gillitzer, Dick Matti, Ray Morovits, Carol Peterson, and coach Margaret Benzing.
APRIL 22, 1971 – North Crawford graduates featured in this week’s paper: Laura Nicolai, Dean Olson, Denise Olson, Marie Olson… The Miniature King and Queen for the Junior Prom are Joey Thoftne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thoftne of Soldiers Grove, and Freddie Hillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hillman of Gays Mills.
APRIL 19, 1961 – Winter made a surprise return to North Crawford Saturday night and Sunday and high winds piled snow two and three feet deep. But the south central part of the state escaped the worst of the storm that dumped 15 inches of snow on Superior, in the north, and closed highways in Kenosha and Waukesha counties in the south.