Soldiers Grove
One year ago, the United Methodist Church of Soldiers Grove began a new program located across the hall from the Food Pantry in Gays Mills. It soon became part of the Ridge and Valley Charge of the United Methodist Churches - Gays Mills, North Clayton, and Soldiers Grove. Many area churches are now helping.
The program’s name is Community Outreach. It is exactly what it sounds like. The people that volunteer their time at Community Outreach collect and pass out new and gently used clothing to people that are in need.
One of our biggest concerns is to get this information out to more of the people. We currently have a great deal of winter clothing, yes it will get cold one of these days! If you have clothing to donate or wish to donate time, please contact one of the following: Elsie Clark 608-735-4498, Karen Smith 608-735-4350, Florence Clark 608-735-4652, or Pastor Lorie Betz at the United Methodist Church 608-624-5828.
A special Thank You goes out to Betty Bell for donating much needed clothing racks to display our clothing. A big Thank You also goes out to the Gays Mills Lions for donating yarn and the Prairie du Chien Juvenile Correctional Institution for the crocheting. Their joint effort has produced many winter hats and scarves with mittens on the way. We would also like to thank the many people who have donated clothing. They are appreciated and are finding great homes.
We are blessed with many people that volunteer and we could always use more. We are also in need of a few other things. The proprietor of the building is being wonderful, but the Community Outreach is running out of space. We need to find storage for the out of season clothing. If you have some storage, please let us know. We also need a stick vacuum with good suction and more clothing racks. All clothing donations are appreciated and children’s clothing sizes 2 years and up are the most needed.
We are currently collecting clothing for the children of the house fire last week. Boys size 18 months and girls size 7-8. Again just contact someone on the list.
Thanks again for supporting and praying for this much needed program in our area.
-Pastor Lorie Betz