Delet Felix Pereza, a retired teacher, was recently appointed to the Common Council of the city of Darlington at the council’s last regular meeting held on Tuesday, May 5.
Pereza is the alderperson of District 3 in the city of Darlington, and applied to the position after no one ran for it in the spring election.
“Apparently no one wanted the job and I attend the meetings pretty regularly,” said Pereza. “I figured I’d probably do a better job than nobody would, and someone needs to do the job.”
The city decided to advertise for applications from individuals interested in the position after the election, and according to Mayor David Breunig, Perez’s was the only application received.
“I did have one other person express interest, but that was after the application deadline,” he said.
Perez is originally from Arizona and moved to Darlington between seven and eight years ago with his wife Susan. Now retired, Perez used to teach math and science classes from 6th grade through university level.
“I just hope I can be helpful,” he said of his appointment to the council.
Perez is taking over Bev Anderson’s former position, after she decided to retire from city politics when her term was up this year.
Felix Pereza named to Darlington city council as alderperson of district 3