3bd/2ba rent to own assistance. $700/mo. Some renovations needed. Great condition otherwise. Call or text 608.518.6989. Meadowview Estates, Lancaster.
BLUE RIVER: 1-bedroom & 2-bedroom apartments. Available for rent. Call (608)606-0077 or (608)606-9578.
BLUE RIVER: Clean 1-bedroom apartment, $450. No pets. No smoking. Call (608) 476-2111.
BOSCOBEL: 1-bedroom upper apartment for rent, non-smoking building. Furnished appliances, electric heat, coin-operated laundry in basement. 1-car enclosed parking. Available Oct. 1. No pets. $375 mo., security deposit required, references. Contact Gary 414-232-6924 for appointment.
BOSCOBEL: 2 bedroom apartment for rent. $400 mo. No pets or smokers. Call 608-375-4764
BOSCOBEL: 3-bedroom townhouse apartment w/2+ car garage. $625/mo. No pets. Available Nov. 1. Call 608-375-7452.
Cuba City - 3 bedroom house, $760/month. No Pets. No Smoking. (608)732-5888 Leave Message
CUBA CITY-2 bedroom apartment above bar. No smoking, no pets. Available Oct. 1. $550/mo. 563-599-4211.
FENNIMORE RENTAL: 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, upstairs/downstairs duplex, 1 car garage. $595/month. Utilities, lawn and snow removal not included. Lease, references, and security deposit required. No pets. 822-3550 ext. 113 or kelleyadam@emccontrols.com
FENNIMORE RENTAL: 3 bedroom apartment available now! Rent based on 30% of income, on-site laundry facility. Call 608-822-4262 today! Equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.
FENNIMORE/STITZER: 2 bedroom, non-smoker, no pets, references, $500/mo. rent and $500 security deposit, leave message, 943-6165.
For Rent: Indoor or outdoor RV, camper, trailer, & boat storage space. Rural Platteville area. 608-330-2059
FOR RENT: Inside space for boats, cars and trucks by the week, month or year. Hermsen’s Hardware, Bloomington. Phone 994-2707.
FOR RENT: Mobile home lots. Bluffside Court. 608-725-5232.
FOR RENT: PLATTEVILLE, 1 bedroom apartment in private home. No Pets. No Smoking. 608-732-4232.
For Rent: Platteville, 2 bedroom house. Appliances included. No Pets, No Smoking. 608-348-8707.
HAZEL GREEN-Two and three bedroom trailers, appliances included. Additional fee for pets. Available immediately. 608-732-6531.
Lancaster- For Rent three bedroom, one and half bath, two car garage, no pets, Available November 1st, (608)732-3137
LANCASTER HOUSE For Rent. 3-Bedroom, unattached garage, no pets. 608.723.4225
MT. HOPE: One bedroom apts. Call 608-516-7065.
MUSCODA & BLUE RIVER (between): Self-contained storage units on Hwy. 133 for rent. Please call (608)739-3253.
MUSCODA & FENNIMORE: 2 bedroom apartments for rent, laundry facilities, AC. Call (608)778-2215.
MUSCODA: 2 bedrooms/2 bath house for rent. Rux Mobile Home Park. Ph. 608-739-3898 or 608-604-6055. Lots also available.
OFFICE SUITE for lease in Platteville. All new bath fixtures, flooring and paint. 1250 sq. ft. on Bus. 151 near the 4 lane. 608-778-4567.
PLATTEVILLE FOR RENT: 1 bedroom Apts, 4 Bedroom Houses. Available June 1, 2016. Contact Amanda at 608-330-0778 or 608-778-9187
PLATTEVILLE: LANRIDGE LLC APARTMENTS:Fully inspected and licensed. Efficiencies, one and two bedroom apartments. Two and three bedroom townhouses.Rentable garages. No pets. 348-6900.
REWEY: 2 - 3 bdrm. side by side apt. with refrig., stove, washer/dryer hookups. Lease and deposit required. 723-6363 for applications - both $450 per month.
Rural Platteville/main highway 3 bedroom, 2 bath, all new, 2 car detached garage, No Pets.$1,100/month, deposit required. 608-348-3262 or
Soldiers Grove, WI: 2 & 3 bedroom apartments for rent at ROLLING MEADOWS. Rent based on income. Please call Kathy Richards Management, Inc. at 1-888-576-6468 or Dixie Miles at (608)822-3179 for application. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. TDD number (800) 947-3529.
SOLDIERS GROVE: 1-bedroom apartments, 55+ older, handicapped or disabled. GOLDEN ACRES APARTMENTS. Rent is 30% of adjusted income to qualified applicants. Call (608) 624-5186. EHO
SOLDIERS GROVE: Upstairs Apartment for rent 201 Pine St. $500/month & $500 deposit + utilities. 2 bedroom furnished with appliances including washer/dryer. Electric heat and air. Sorry, no pets or smoking allowed. References required including past rental and job history. Serious inquiries only! stevenf@mwt.net or call 608-624-3319
TWO BEDROOM @ 760 Country Club Ct in 8 plex. Stove, refrig, coin oper. washer & dryer, microwave, A/C. Neat & Clean. No Smoking. No Pets. Quiet building, off-street parking. $525/month. Available 9-1-16. Arnie 608-778-2666.
WAUZEKA: Large 1 bedroom apartment. Rent includes appliances, air, utilities. No pets. Security. $500 mo. Call 608-875-5400.
WAUZEKA: Large 2-bedroom apartment. Ground floor. Includes appliances & all utilities. $650 mo. Security. handicap accessible. No pets. Call 608-875-6400.
WOODMAN: 3-bedroom house for rent in country w/3stall garage. Call 608-485-3304.