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90-year-old local man wrote a book
90-year-old local man wrote a book
Helmuth and Ruth Krause were in Muscoda last week promoting book about much of their married years.
This is a story that began many years ago, perhaps in an elementary school classroom in Marathon County, Wisconsin, where a student was completing his formal education, which ended in the seventh grade. Perhaps he was practicing his handwriting using the popular “Palmer Method”. It was a time before computers dominated school classroom and folks thought facts were true information by and about real people and situations – not “figments of imagination”.
That boy, Helmuth Krause, now 90-years + old – has written a book about his long history on the farm – a life of a lot of work and constant decisions.  His wife Ruth says it took him “most of a winter” to write it in long-hand. A teacher transcribed the effort into print. The book, titled “The Heart Remembers – Recollections Of A Ninety-Year Old Man” is now available.
Helmuth and Ruth were in Muscoda last week and reported the book sales are going well, especially in their home area of Highland, Montfort, etc. The 300+ page book is now available in Muscoda at Walsh’s Ace Hardware Store and from Amazon on line.
The Krauses are well-known in the area, especially for their “Little Creek Maple Syrup”, which has also been marketed locally and in Madison for many years.
They also produce and market an assortment of berries, nuts, mushrooms and even ginseng, grown on their unique Iowa County woodlands near Highland. The couple tends a large garden for raising an assortment of vegetables, many of which are donated to various local benefits.    
All of that is in addition to many years of raising animals that produce milk, meat, etc. as is traditionally done on family farms throughout this area.
This new book offers readers the chance to discover things about the many challenges and life joys that farmers experience nearly every day in an ever-changing ag. world, starting with the days of threshing machines to harvest oats to the self-driving machinery of today, all while they are also deal with market and weather conditions.