The September meeting of the Lyme disease support group for residents of Juneau, Monroe, Richland, Sauk and Vernon counties is scheduled for Sept. 25 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Hillsboro Public Library meeting room, 819 High Ave., Hillsboro.
Why does Lyme Disease, in so many ways, severely hurt those who are infected, and their families as well? The answer is not simple. Multiple factors such as the kind of infection (there are many), the length of infection, and where the infection locates in one’s body only partially address this complicated plague which is transmitted by ticks and other creatures to humans.
We meet as a group to grow in our understanding as well as to support each other. Whether you have never attended the Friday meeting or have come previously, we welcome you.
Questions about the meeting or its purpose(s) may be emailed to, or telephone 608-489-2725 (ask for Gary), or mail to: Gary Cepek, S1468 Cepek Rd., Elroy, WI 53929.