The City of Hillsboro was awarded a Community Development Block Grant for Public Facilities in 2014. Beginning this spring, the City will be utilizing those funds to help finance a construction project that will occur on Mechanic Street and Harrison Avenue.
The City will be conducting a public information meeting to discuss project details and to get resident input on the project on Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
The work along Mechanic Street will extend from Mitscher Avenue to Pine Avenue and will include replacing sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, removing the old road structure, installing new gravel base course, installing new curb & gutter, and new asphalt pavement.
Work on the sanitary sewer and water main will also include replacing laterals and services to a point between the existing sidewalk and curb and gutter.
The work along Harrison Avenue will extend from Spring Street to Mill Street and will include installing new water main and water services. The west half of the road will be reconstructed with new gravel base course, new curb & gutter and new asphalt pavement, while the east half will be overlaid with new asphalt.
Residents in the project areas are encouraged to attend to learn more about the projects. If you have any questions or comments, and/or cannot be present at the meeting, please contact Adam Sonntag, City Administrator at (608)489-2350.