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Hair for Haiti
Priest trading his 11 inches of hair for funds for mission trip
Maxfield hair
Rev. Christian Maxfield is donating up to 11 inches of hair, as measured by his wife Kate, to Locks for Love, while trying to raise funds for a mission trip to Haiti later this month.

The rector (priest in charge) of Platteville’s and Prairie du Chien’s Episcopal churches is getting his hair cut.

That is not news except for the reason he’s getting his hair cut.

Rev. Christian Maxfield of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Prairie du Chien and Trinity Episcopal Church in Platteville has to cut at least 10 inches of it to send it to Locks of Love, a not-for-profit organization that makes hairpieces for children and adolescents younger than 21 who are financially disadvantaged and suffering from long-term medical hair loss.

This will be the second time Maxfield will have donated his hair and raised money for missions while doing it. Three years ago he donated 18 inches of hair to Locks of Love and raised money for his team of teenagers who were going to Tennessee on a mission project.

“Three years later, it is time to cut it again — this time for my mission project to Haiti,” said Maxfield.

At the end of July, Maxfield is leaving with 12 members of Cornerstone Church in Prairie du Chien to go to Haiti, returning Aug. 8.

“I have had some people ask me why I am not going to Haiti with the Episcopal Church, being an Episcopal priest and being in a Diocese that has strong relationships with the Diocese of Haiti,” said Maxfield. “Well, very simply, this is the opportunity that was presented to me and I felt God saying ‘go.’ As the Great Commission says, ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

“Jesus gives four action verbs to his disciples here: Go, Make (disciples), baptize and teach. The first command is really key for me because Jesus is really saying to His disciples, ‘as you go’, make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. We are called to share Jesus with anyone who will listen as we go though this life, which can include jumping on board a mission trip if the opportunity arises.“

The cost of the trip is $1,500 per person, but Maxfield hopes to raise more, with what he calls his “hair brained fundraiser.”

“Our team is going down to Haiti to assist and strengthen a local church and pastor. Pastor Arold Marcellus, a native Haitian, who drives a taxi by day to support his wife and daughter as well as the seven children they’ve taken in since the earthquake in 2010, and still finds time to pastor a church, which includes among all the other things pastors do, leading four church services each week,” said Maxfield. “We plan to assist Pastor Arold in his call to reach his people with the love of Jesus Christ by going on prayer walks, showing ‘The Jesus Film’ in French/Creole and running Vacation Bible School in the mornings and soccer clinics in the afternoons.”

Maxfield said his hair fundraiser is “to help other participants reach their personal fundraising goal, and second, to bless Pastor Arold with as large a financial gift as we can raise, so that he in return can bless others as continues his ministry in Jacmel, Haiti.

“My goal is to cut 10 inches off of my hair, and I am asking for donations going toward $50 an inch. Anyone can donate in any amount.”

To donate, send a check with “Haiti — Hair Brained Fundraiser” on the memo line to Cornerstone Church, Attn: Haiti Mission Trip, P.O. Box 334, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821. The deadline for tax-deductible donations is Saturday. July 27, because Maxfield probably will have his hair cut that weekend.

More information about the Mission Project is available by searching Facebook for “Cornerstone Church 2013 Haiti Mission,” or by going to The sites will include updates on the Haiti Trip, an opportunity for online donations, and the final pictures of the hair-cutting ceremony before the trip.

“Please do keep us all in your prayers,” said Maxfield. “Pray for us as we prepare for this project and while we are in Haiti. Pray that hearts will be touched, bondage broken and lives changed. Pray for the safety of our team. And most importantly pray that the love of Jesus will shine through each one of us. Thank you and God Bless!”