DRIFTLESS - Over the past week COVID-19 diagnoses statewide increased from 43,018 on Monday, July 20 to 49,417 on Monday, July 27. That is a statewide increase of 6,399 cases. The number of deaths increased from 846 to 893, an additional 47 deaths, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
The DHS’ Badger Bounce Back COVID-19 Case Indicators, which classify counties as high-, moderate- or low-risk based on COVID activity over the previous two weeks, listed Grant, LaCrosse, Monroe and Juneau counties as ‘high’ risk; Lafayette and Iowa counties as ‘moderately high risk;’ and Crawford, Vernon, and Richland County was listed as ‘moderate’ risk.

‘Mask Up Wisconsin’
On Thursday, July 30, Governor Evers announced a new executive order mandating face coverings indoors or in enclosed spaces, other than when at home. We know that face coverings are an effective tool in fighting COVID-19, and we encourage you to do your part in protecting the health and safety of your fellow Wisconsinites by wearing a face covering and encouraging others to do so.
Over the last month, Wisconsin has seen a surge in cases. This increase in cases cuts across the entire state with a significant majority of counties at high COVID-19 activity levels. Statewide action is necessary to protect the health and well-being of Wisconsinites.

Crawford Countysaw five new cases, increasing to 53. The number of negative tests increased by 175, and there have been no deaths in the county.
Crawford County Public Health has issued the following notice – if you were in the following establishments on days and times listed below, you were potentially exposed to COVID-19 positive cases:
• The Winneshiek, July 17, between 2-4 p.m.
• The Sawmill Saloon, July 18, between 3-4 p.m.
• Frazier’s Bar, July 18, between 4-5 p.m.
• The Winneshiek, July 19, between 4-8 p.m.
If you were at these establishments at the times listed above, please monitor for symptoms and make sure you are following the guidelines of wearing a mask when in public, maintaining social distancing of at least six feet, avoiding any and all mass gatherings, and performing good handwashing.
If you develop any symptoms between the date you were potentially exposed and August 2, contact your healthcare provider to get tested. Symptoms can include: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell and/or taste.
“This notice is not saying that these businesses did anything wrong,” assures Cindy Riniker, Health Officer, “but is to inform the public of where and when the public may have had potential contact with lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19.”
The office of Crawford County Emergency Management has received multiple statements regarding the release of information to the public about a potential exposure to a COVID-19 positive case. This statement is being put forth to describe the reason why that information was released.
As described by the public health department-A wedding party from out of the area was celebrating in the Prairie du Chien area the weekend of July17 through July 19. They were staying in the area and visited the bars listed in the previous news release. It was not until the next week, when public health was made aware of multiple positive tests coming from that group. That initiated public health to start contact tracing the locations they visited in this area. The only businesses the group visited that public health could not identify everyone were the bars listed in the previous news release. Were the bars the only places this group visited? They were not. But these businesses were the only places where public health could not identify all the individuals who came in close contact with the positive patient. Other locations like the venue they were at or the hotel the group stayed at, the staff was contacted and informed to watch for symptoms.

Vernon Countysaw an increase of five cases in the last week, increasing to 50. The number of negative tests increased by 264, and there have been no deaths.
Richland Countysaw an increase of five cases, increasing to 24. The number of negative tests increased by 370, and the number of deaths in the county remained at four.

Monroe Countysaw an increase of 25 cases in the last week, going from 156 to 181. Negative tests increased by 382, and the number of deaths in the county remains at one.
Juneau Countysaw a leap in the increase in cases of 41, growing to 118. The number of deaths in the county remains at one.
The Juneau County Health Department is notifying the public of a COVID·19 outbreak in a Juneau County establishment. An outbreak is defined by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services as two or more laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID·19 in the same facility or associated with a single event, with onset within two maximum COVID 19 incubation periods of each other (28 days). The health department and the establishment have been working together to review and strengthen existing prevention measures. Final decisions are up to the discretion of the business.
If you visited the establishment listed below during the identified time frames ,you may have been exposed to COVID-19.If you are experiencing any symptoms (headache, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, fever, digestive discomfort), please contact your healthcare provider. You can view a full list of symptoms here:https:Uwww.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms· testing/symptoms.html
The Dirty Turtle (W5250 N Osprey Drive, New Lisbon), July 14-21, 2020.
COVID-19 can spread from person to person. There is currently no vaccine and no treatment, so prevention is key. The Juneau County Health Department is asking all residents to cooperate with active disease investigati ons. Accurate and timely information is important to containing the spread of this disease in our community.
To stop the spread of illness, it is important to:
•Wear a cloth face-covering while in public.
•Practice social distancing and keep six feet of distance between you and non-household members.
•Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer.
•Stay home when sick.
•Avoid touching your face.
To receive the most up-to-date information regarding the COVID-19 response in Juneau County, please follow the Juneau County Health Department on Facebook or refer to the Juneau County Emergency Information Page:http: //www. co.juneau.wi.gov/emergency-information.html

LaCrosse Countyhas continued to see an exponential increase in new cases in the last week of 83, going from 666 to 749.
On Monday, July 27, the LaCrosse Board of Education voted to begin the 2020-21 school year with an all-virtual program.

Grant Countyhas seen an exponential increase of 46 cases in the last week, going from 251 to 297. The number of deaths in the county remains at 14.
Lafayette Countyhas seen an increase of 15 cases in the last week, going from 87 to 102. There have been no deaths in the county.

Iowa Countyhas seen an increase of seven cases in the last week, increasing to 57. There have been no deaths in the county.