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Shullsburg buys robotic pool cleaner at $10,300
shullsburg pool

SHULLSBURG — In a meeting that conflicted with Shullsburg’s Fourth of July festivities Mayor Duane Wedige called the Shullsburg City Council regular meeting to order on Wednesday, July 3 at 6:30 p.m., the meeting got down to business.

Alder Pat Heim related, “We had a good demonstration of a robotic pool cleaner, we liked it and it works good. I’m all for buying it, I think it will do a good job.”

The demonstration was put on by CES Water Quality of the Enduro TurboClean robotic pool cleaner at the Badger Pool in Shullsburg. The item was quoted at $10,000, plus $300 shipping.

Alder Gloria Swenson said, “It was pretty amazing.”

Alder Jim Paquette contacted other customers of CES and received positive recommendations.

A motion was made and approved to purchase the item.

Clerk-Treasure Marsha Einsweiler asked the council which fund the money should come out of? Einsweiler said, “In pools supplies there is $9,000, pools repair - $5,500, pools outlay - $3,300 and in pools fund - $17,760 (this is where the pool concessions money flows into).

Einsweiler was directed to take the money from the pools fund account.

Public Abatement

Wedige said, “What I would like to see, is for me to be given the authority to contact City Attorney Nathan Russell and get the ball rolling on abatement process for two properties in the city. One resident has been contacted and was told improvements to the property need to be made by our next meeting. I’m having Shullsburg Police Chief Josh Jerry take pictures of the property from week to week and if I see significant improvement, we’ll discuss it. If I see no improvement, then we’ll push through with that particular address.”

Wedige continued, “I want to have the authority to pursue this in a general way and then add the addresses we’re working on as they come up.”

Jerry requested talking to the attorney, before proceedings are filed, so he could pursue other avenues and keep it from continually happening.

A motion was made and approved (3-1) to give the Mayor the authority to talk with an attorney with regard to starting the abatement process.

Alder Emmett Reilly said, “I’m voting no. I wish you the best of luck. I think the abatement process is a little preliminary, but you might find out more information from Nathan.”

Revolving Loan Fund

Wedige trying to set the record straight said, “At the last meeting we discussed if we were pursuing the Revolving Loan Fund adequately. These are the minutes from July 15, 2015 City of Shullsburg meeting.”

The paragraph Reads as follows: Regarding amending the Revolving Loan Manual, the Revolving Loan Committee met on July 8th and approved the amended manual. Einsweiler stated that the amended manual was reviewed by the WI Department of Administration and the changes were approved. Motion by Reilly second by Paquette to approve the changes to the Revolving Loan Manual including an increase of a maximum loan amount of $50,000 to $100,000. All Aye, motion carried.’- City of Shullsburg July 15, 2015 minutes.

Wedige continued, “In my opinion, we are completely following the rules of what’s stated in the state manual. I think this answers the question that came up in the last meeting. My point being, we are completely following the rules.”

Reilly made a statement after the meeting, saying, “When you look at this it says - the changes were approved by the Dept. of Administration. That wasn’t my particular question, after I was interrupted. The manual is a thirteen page manual and if you look through it, it says things like – ‘… the revolving loan fund, changes need to be approved by the Dept. of Administration...’ Making reference that the manual is written like it is still part of the states’ revolving loan fund.”

Reilly continued, “There are things in that manual that need to be changed. That’s why I said, ‘Should we wait until those changes are made?’ My point is this type of business in Shullsburg, I believe is poor business. It’s like the abatement issue. Instead of trying to work with people, we’re alienating them. Instead of doing the business as it needs to be done and approve business after things get done. We approve it before. It’s like painting the water tower. Technically a $600,000, twenty-year contract doesn’t need to go out for bids, because it’s maintenance. I find that poor business.”

In other business:

•Approved the bills of $53,792.

•Approved change order #1, a deduction of $3,954 for paving Carnak Clum. The deduction was due to no gravel being used.

•Approved making final payment to Iverson Construction for paving Carnak Clum at a total cost of $18,580.

•Approved pay application #1 in the amount of $40,996 to Temperley Excavating, Inc. for the Francis Street reconstruction project. The total bid from Temperley for the project was $370,549. It was stated that a computer was damaged and the project will reimburse $800+. Mark Doyle of Delta 3, gave the council an update of the progress.

•Approved closing a portion of W. High Street, from Center Street, proceeding east to the first unnamed alley. This is for a neighborhood block party set for July 13, 5:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.

•Approved a preliminary survey map submitted by Austin Engineering for Colleen, Terry and Molly Blackbourne located at 420 Hillside Court. The council then approved the final survey map for the same properties. This will combine two properties into one.

•Approved a transfer of $12,008 in the Gehrt Donation account, to general checking to pay for Christmas decorations.

• Approved operator licenses for Kyle Harwick, Regina Soddy, Noah Wand and Crystal Eulers.

•Approved hiring an additional bathhouse attendant.

            Future Agenda Items: Election at large topic; Johnson Controls contract; Resolution to modify the TIF7 loan; Lafayette Development Corporation dues and snow plow blad