The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has been hosting an annual Earth Day celebration for Lafayette County youth since 1988 and just recently put on the 2014 event on Friday, April 25 at Woodford Park.
This year a total of 390 students in 5th and 6th grade from Argyle, Belmont, Black Hawk, Cuba City, Darlington and Shullsburg schools attended the event, which featured 22 learning stations, many of which offered hands on learning for the students.
The stations were split into two loops, one for 5th graders and one for 6th graders.
The stations on the 5th grade loop covered topics such as: soil conservation, woodland survivor, fish management, fishing, gun safety, Lafayette County history, bat ecology, wet & wild, trapping, archery and bee keeping & habitat.
The 6th grade stations included: DNR skull exhibit, tree identification & management, archery, sawmill, prairie plants, gun safety, bat ecology, houses & lunkers, wildlife calls, water quality, dogs & conservation and square foot gardening.
NRCS hosts Earth Day Celebration for Lafayette County youth