An avid deer hunter with both a gun and a bow, Todd King became interested in the European mounting system about 10 years ago for both himself and his friends. Today that hobby has turned into a full-time business out of his rural Boscobel home—TKMOUNTS.
“It started out as a hobby about 10 years ago around the holidays when painting slowed down at the end of deer season,” King explains. “Back 20 years ago you never saw these type of mounts, but I was intrigued.”
Instead of a traditional skull mount costing over $500 and often taking more than a year to complete, European mounts from King cost $50 and can be ready in weeks. For example, a deer taken during the opening weekend of the deer gun season is guaranteed to be completed by Christmas.
For the complete article, please see the Nov. 10, 2016 issue of the Boscobel Dial.