Business Services
Are you looking for a custom designed memorial for your loved one? Call Ralph Meyer, representative for Lancaster Monuments, at 608-574-2952. Quality service at an affordable price.
CO-OP for delivery of high quality gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel, and propane. Blue River 537-2751, Fennimore 822-3217, Gays Mills 735-4308, Lancaster 723-7800, Darlington 776-4438, Patch Grove 994-2756, or (800) 321-2128.
FOR RENT: Rug Doctor carpet cleaners. Do 2-4 rooms for $43. Heiser Hardware 348-5231.
PERC TESTS, fast & affordable. Call Dennis Brandt, VALLEY SOILS SERVICE, 608-583-4282, 608-604-6040.
Computer Services
CHAMBERLAIN ELECTRIC, TV Antenna Sales and Service and Computer Repair. 822-6564.
Home Repairs & Improvement
Boy’s Detailing and Powerwashing, moldy roof and house washing. For all your pressure and soft washing needs (608)778-5071.
MERGEN INTERIOR PAINTING: wallpaper removal, patchwork, color consultations, free estimates.Pat or Melody at 348-7877
SCHRADER HEATING & A/C, LLC. Call John at 608-822-HEAT.
Lawn & Tree Service
SPRAGUE BROTHERS Tree Service & Stump Removal. Call Gary Sprague, 822-3470 or Ted Sprague 723-4974.
STIETZ TREE SERVICE Full line of tree work- stump grinding- lot clearing. Free estimates, fully insured. Mike Stietz 608-776-3678