Cemetery Lots
FOR SALE: Two spaces in a desirable location in City of Platteville Greenwood cemetery. Market price is $700 each; will sell for $600 each. Contact John Ullsvik, 920-261-6878.
FOR SALE FIREWOOD: Big Pickup $125/load. Small Pickup $100/load. We will load. 608-642-3330.
Heavy Equipment
Boss Plow and Sander. 6-way blade. $6,400 OBO. 608-735-4792.
Wanted to Buy
Wanted: Old gas pumps, oil & gas related items. Soda, food, grocery signs. Automotive related signs & items, Coke machines. 608-854-2743.
General Merchandise
If you’re looking for a pickup truck, be sure to check with “The TRUCK people of Southwest Wisconsin” — that’s Jones Chevrolet in Richland Center.
STARKS Wine, Beer, Spirits. Micro Beers. OCTOBERFEST Beers, Spotted Cow, Leinenkugels, YEAR END Close Out 1/2 Price. Rebates. Discounts. STARKS, Prairie du Chien, WI. Open All Sundays.