You would think that, with Christmas just behind us, few Hillsboro folks are thinking about next December’s decorations. You would be wrong!
Our city leaders have decided that those semi-ancient lamppost candle decorations have burned long enough, and they are looking to purchase new, festive lighting for the next Christmas season.
There is no question that it gives the downtown area a cheerful glow, attracts shoppers, and gives residents a sense of pride in their hometown.
So, they are asking business folks along the regular routes on Water Ave. and Mill St., what their preference is in new Christmas lighting.
Sounds like an easy decision. How many options are available?
Well, for openers, consider the fact that many people enjoy holidays long after the main attractions, and really don’t like to give up the spirit without a good dose of it.
However, other than a religious theme, which is usually considered a “no-no” by people spending government funds, many ideas have a limited time frame.
For instance, Rudolph and his reindeer buddies have carried Santa and his empty sleigh all the way back to the North Pole before most kids have even finished opening presents! Would we like to look at his shining likeness while he’s already got the elves working on a new batch of toys?
However, consider the seasonal and traditional snowmen, who are happy to stick around for weeks bringing untold fun and joy to local kids and adults!
And that is sort of where it stands at this time in the preferences for our new outdoor holiday lighting.
It may come down to a long-lighted snowman or a Santa in a time warp. Tough decision, isn’t it? I would really hate to be on the committee that will have to rule. It’s going to be close, with husbands and wives even in disagreement!
At least we have quite a while to ponder the dilemma.
On a much darker note, have you recovered from the TV torture that was offered Sunday afternoon?
At least, if you watched the incredible spectacle, you can say that you saw a football game that will stand the test of time in suspense endings.
Anybody who wrote that script would have been fired on the premise alone!
One thing, however is certain. The Patriots are going to have as many cheesehead fans pulling for them as New Englanders in the Super Bowl!