Holstein and dairy industry enthusiasts are invited to the Vernon County Holstein Twilight meeting Friday night, July 10 at the Grant & Jenny Rudrud Family farm, Viroqua.
The evening will include a complimentary meal, dairy judging contest, guest speaker, musical entertainment, children’s activities, educational displays and Holstein and dairy industry updates.
The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with a complimentary meal as well as a dairy judging contest with the opportunity to judge three classes of Holstein dairy cows and tour the farm.
The program will get underway at 8 p.m. and include guest speaker Dr. Pamela Ruegg, Dairy Science Professor and Milk Quality Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ruegg will talk about the work she is doing with the Chinese dairy industry and her travels there the past few years.
The evening’s program will also include updates from the County, State and National Holstein Associations, and the Vernon County Junior Holstein Association.
For more information on the Vernon County Holstein Twilight Meeting, please contact the Rudruds at 608-675-3590.