The Boscobel School Board came together Tuesday night for their monthly meeting to discuss many different issues, including snow day make-ups, the Rock School roof update, the new FOB security system, health insurance rates, summer school, and the budget for 2011-2012 was reviewed.
As of April 1, the school schedule will be changed to start five minutes early and will end three minutes late to make up for lost snow days. The modified schedule will be out soon for all parents to see.
“It will not affect transportation of students to school,” said High School Principal Greg Bell.
Students will also have to stay in school until June 7 instead of June 6 to make up a full snow day. Teachers will come in on Monday, June 10 for a teacher’s workday.
Changes coming
Within the next week the Boscobel School District will be seeing some changes being made that parents need to be aware of, including the Rock School roof update and the new FOB security system being placed in the schools.
The shingles for the Rock roof building will be arriving on Thursday and Friday, as the plan is to have the work begin on Saturday as long as the weather cooperates. However, due to the work on the Rock roof building, the school will be closing the gates to the playground area over Spring Break, March 25-29, to ensure that everyone is safe while the work is being done on the roof.
“We ask that no one plays on the equipment once it arrives,” said District Administrator Steve Smith.
When students return to school following Spring Break, they will notice a change in the entrance of all school buildings. As of Monday, the new FOB system should have arrived at the school and start to be placed at all entrances of the buildings. For parents trying to come into the school during school hours, there will be a new buzz-in system installed in order to enter any of the Boscobel School District buildings.
Another discussion covered by the board was whether or not to stick with Dean Health Care for the faculty’s health insurance for the 2013-2014 school year. They are offering a rate increase of 7.1 percent for the 2013-2014 school year. The board did not make a decision to approve to stay with Dean for this year but will have a decision by their next meeting in April.
“I consider it reasonable as the school was planning on an 11 percent increase,” said Smith.
Summer school
Rick Walters and Greg Bell, principals of the Elementary and High School, respectively, had their plans approved for their new Summer School program to go into effect for 2013. There is a new Summer School Remedial program for both reading and math.
The high school will have two sessions, the first will be held June 11-July 3 and the second session will be August 6- August 22. The elementary school will also have two sessions, one called Enrichment to be held June 17- June 28. The other session will be called Remedial, which will be held at different times between August and July.
Finally, auditor Debra Welch from Clifton Larson Allen was present at the meeting to discuss the budget from July 2011-June 2012.
Starting in July 2011 the school had a general fund balance of $2,283,480 to work with; by June 2012 the school had an ending balance of $3,097,416. Generally, there is not an increase seen at the ending budget. However, due to changes being made throughout that year the school ended up saving more money then they had initially planned.
Some of the changes that occurred to cause this increase in general funds included Governor Scott Walker’s new retirement plan, experienced teachers retiring and being replaced by teachers with less experience and lower salaries, a large growth in Medicare checks coming in for 2011-2012, and an unfunded liability that was paid.
The next school board meeting will be held on April 22, 7p.m., at the Annex building.