A new business factory opened in Hillsboro last Friday morning.
Unfortunately, although it was highly successful, it had to shut down operations that afternoon.
Healthy Snacks, Inc. was located in the Elementary School small gym, and its production space was needed for a cafeteria as lunch time arrived.
The annual business opportunities have been teaching young students the ins and outs of selling products from manufacturing to delivering for a number of years.
The actual work was performed by the three First Grade classes under the watchful eyes of Factory Supervisors Ms. Olson, Ms. Cherf, and Ms. Bandsma, the workers were employed in three phases of the operation, "Healthy Yummies," "Power Snacks," and the "Go Green" trucking division. in charge of deliveries.
As the parent company, Healthy Snacks, Inc. produced two main products: Power Snacks, comprised of popcorn, pretzels, and other favorites packed in clear plastic baggies, and Healthy Yummies, featuring fruit such as large, delicious purple grapes attached to a good sized hunk of cheddar cheese.
After sampling both, this customer enjoyed the Healthy Yummies the most.
After seeing the Employee Handbook, it was obvious why the company is so successful. Each worker was expected to:
* Be on time for work
* Wear the company uniform without any jewelry
* Wash hands before entering the production line each time
* Work hard
* Respect and cooperate with others.
All workers received a 15-minute outdoor break after one hour of work.
Wages were 10 cents an hour, with a bonus of an additional 5 cents if the worker produces the target number of products within a two-hour time limit.
If behavior is inappropriate, the employee will be written up. Two written notices will cause dismissal from work without pay. At least, a note to Mom wasn't included.
Makes one sort of wonder if there is a an appeal process, or for that matter a union looking out for the employees!
The Sentry-Enterprise was given a complete tour of the factory by a very familiar looking employee who identified himself as an inspector in the grapes and cheese division.
Perhaps the best job was in the delivery division where workers pulled a school sized "truck" around to all the classes and dropped off snacks that had been ordered earlier at 75-cents a bag.
Other employees were serving as sales people at counters in the building.
The full work day was from 8 to 11 a.m. but it looked like the employees were having such a good time, they could have continued for a full 8-hour shift.