The North Crawford Spanish Club has begun their annual fruit sale. This year they have many delicious varieties available, including Florida oranges, navel oranges, grapefruit, clementines, tangerines, pears, and pineapples, as well as gift boxes. The fruit will arrive just in time for the holiday season.
This year there are many ways to order fruit. If you would like to help a specific member of the Spanish Club, you may contact that person. This year's members are: Sands Martin, Sarah Cameron, Anastasia Cox, Traci Lund, Ryan Lundberg, Hollie Martin, Nichelle Martin, Taylor Tamling, Riley Barlow, Joe Bedessem, Courtney Coleman, Miriah Doskocil, Megan Gillespie, Brandi Kochera, Miranda Randall, Sheri Schwert, Holly Skarda and Rosa Thill.
You may also order online at, by contacting Mrs. Wick at or by stopping in the high school office for an order form.
Orders must be received by November 15th. Fruit will be delivered on December 13th and may be picked up at the school on December 13th or 14th between 3-6 p.m.
This year students are raising money for a trip this summer to Puerto Rico. Thanks to all those who have supported the NC Spanish Club in the past and made the last trip to Costa Rica a success!