A son, Elijah Morgan Seep, was born at 8:07 p.m. on July 3, 2020, at The Richland Hospital to Wyatt and Hailey Seep of Richland Center. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 inches long. He joins a sister, Emelia Seep, age 3. Grandparents are Shawn (Sandy)Teska of Spring Green, Felicia (Rob) Rynes of Richland Center, and John and Susan Seep of Cazenovia. Great-grandparents include Gail Fink of Markesan, Kathleen Walker of Spring Green, Paul and Delores Hebl of Richland Center, Barb and Mick Rynes of Richland Center, John and Barb Seep of Cazenovia, Lenore and Duane Johnson of Rice Lake, Rodger and Gladys Roux of Rice Lake. The father is a logging business owner, and the mother is a loan processor at Richland County Bank.
Wyatt and Hailey Seep, a son