The Emmi Roth cheese plant in Platteville’s Industry Park hasn’t opened yet, but the building already has achieved worldwide recognition:
Its cheese curing room floors are the flattest in the world, as of 2012.
Smykal Construction of Wild Rose, which installed the floor, earned a Golden Trowel Award at the World of Concrete expo in Las Vegas in February.
Smykal earned the award in the Narrow Strip category for the floor’s flatness and levelness. The floor was the second most flat and most level floor ever measured in the history of the Golden Trowel competition — FF 171 in flatness (with the standard FF 100) and FL 95 in levelness (with the standard FL 50) as measured by American Concrete Institute standard.
The floor was installed in the cheese curing room at the new Emmi Roth plant. Robots run along the floor to storage racks that run from floor to ceiling in the building.
Delta 3 Engineering of Platteville is the project engineer. CFC–TCC of Cuba City is the construction manager. Precision Concrete Floors of Oshkosh is the concrete floor contractor.
• Delta 3 Engineering was named to the Zweig Letter Hot Firm List, recognizing the 100 fastest-growing architecture, engineering and environmental consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada.
Delta 3 was placed at number 79 on the list. Delta 3 was one of four Wisconsin companies on the list; the others were Mead & Hunt, Inc. of Madison, Michaels Energy of La Crosse, and Shea Carr Jewell of Germantown.