Mallery Mae Muenzenberger was born on March 24, 1996 to Michelle Allen and Paul Muenzenberger Jr. They divorced when Mallery was 3 years old. Paul married the love of his life, Mary Dremsa Muenzenberger who became Mallery’s loving step mother. Mallery lived with her father and step mother and attended West Salem Schools.
On December 21, 2017 she was blessed with a son, Major Paul Harris, named after his grandfather. Major was her joy, her life and her future. She loved this child.
The friends and family of Mary Muenzenberger will also be holding a benefit in her hometown on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 beginning at 1 pm at the Boscobel Bowl and Banquet with all proceeds going the Mallery and Major memorial as well.
A complete obituary is in the November 11, 2021 issue of The Boscobel Dial.