‘Years Ago’ is a compilation of newsy tidbits as published in the Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout on this week ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or sixty years ago.
MARCH 10, 2011 – The Seneca girls basketball team finished another undefeated basketball season last Thursday night defeating Ithaca 61-28. Coach Kim Redman stated, “it is not an easy feat to do.”… Bob and Dana Van Hoesen are hosting a Kickapoo Earth Day planning meeting and potluck at their home. Kickapoo Earth Day is set for April 22-23 in the Readstown Riverside Park. The celebration will include art, music, workshops and a variety of activities for people of all ages.
MARCH 8, 2001 – Owner of Star Valley Flowers, John Zehrer and marketing manager Phil Mueller traveled to Westport, Connecticut to shoot a segment, which will air on Martha Stewart’s TV show, Thursday at 10 a.m. on NBC’s WMTV Channel 15 from Madison and WEAU Channel 13 from Eau Claire… The members of the Crawford County Fair Board have formally announced the planned construction of a new Grandstand Spectator Seating System at the fair grounds in Gays Mills. Dant Clayton Corporation will build the new structure to replace the 1918 landmark wooden grandstand that was destroyed by fire July 16, 1999.
MARCH 14, 1991 – Lynn Harden was honored at the recent North Crawford School Board meeting as Employee of the Month. Lynn teaches preschool and kindergarten… The Viroqua Veterinary Clinic was contacted after Heidi Harless of Rt. 3, Viroqua said that a dog she owned was showing rabies symptoms. Harless said the dog had killed a skunk a few weeks ago and later appeared to be sick and was drooling at the mouth. The dog was destroyed and The State Department of Hygiene examined the animal and diagnosed its ailment as rabies.
MARCH 12, 1981 – The teachers at Haney School in the North Crawford School District plan a maple syrup project every few years so that every child in the school, which houses grades 1-4, will be able to participate in it once. This year, with the help of Royce and Frank Havlik, father and grandfather of two of the students at Haney School, an outdoor boiling area has been constructed where 80 gallons of sap can be simmered at a time. It takes a lot of wood to keep the fire going, and most recesses and noon hours are spent gathering sap and picking up dead wood nearby.
MARCH 11, 1971 – Snow that cut visibility to near zero and slippery roads made travel to the regional basketball tournament at Platteville a nightmare Friday night. The two bus drivers Adrian Hoffland and John Thoftne, started for Platteville in plenty of time under ordinary conditions, but due to the severe weather it took around two hours to make the 60-mile trip. The bus carrying the cheerleaders was delayed and the girls did not arrive until well after the North Crawford-Cuba City game had started. Several cars slid into the ditch between Lancaster and Platteville and one car carrying Boscobel basketball players was involved in an accident. There were announcements made at the game that those who didn’t want to travel home could get rooms in one of the dormitories for $3 per person.
MARCH 8, 1961 – Senior students from the home economics and agriculture departments of the Gays Mills high school will spend the next two weeks trading classes. The girls will work with Frank Halloran and study farm accounts and record keeping, planning a vegetable garden, strawberries and raspberries, and basic shop skills including sawing and squaring a board, how to drive nails, drilling holes, and sanding and finishing wood. Their final project will be designing and making attractive bread boards. The boys under the direction of Mrs. Leita Slayton will study such matters as points in choosing a wardrobe, sewing skills for bachelors, and preparation of foods, including salads, hot dishes, breakfasts, baking and meat cookery. To culminate their studies the boys will prepare, serve and eat a meal planned by themselves.