A thoughtful moment
On the evening of Nov. 24 I was in front of Piggly Wiggly ringing Salvation Army bells for the red kettle. Many people were rushing in and out of the store, some with a few groceries, some with supplies for their Thanksgiving meal. It was about 6 p.m. and even though the moon was up and bright the parking lot, full of cars and well lit, was shadowed. As one car left I could see a dark hump on the pavement where the car had been, and was curious about it, but couldn’t leave the kettle. A man with a Faherty’s shirt on and a young girl came out of the store and as they walked in the parking lot saw the article and picked it up. It was a woman’s purse, and he gave it to the girl and they brought it back into the store.
I don’t know any of the names, but I can imagine how extremely thankful the woman was to get her purse back. I’d like to say thank you to this man and the girl. If they hadn’t picked it up a car could have run over it. Hopefully the purse and woman were reunited quickly. You two made my night an especially happy one as I thought of how devastated it feels to know you’ve misplaced your purse and all the treasures in it, and then to get it back again. I witness so many kindnesses as a bell ringer, but this was a major one.
Karen Canny
The new clinic
When Dr. Brian Sachs told my brother he was leaving Southwest Health to open a direct primary care clinic, my brother assumed he’d have to find a different doctor. He really liked the personal relationship he had with Dr. Sachs, so we asked lots of questions. Knowing Medicare and his supplementary insurance would cover any hospital stays, lab work, etc., he joined the clinic.
It was well worth it. An email or a phone call gets immediate feedback from Dr. Sachs. Appointments are scheduled at our convenience. An evening email brought instant response.
We can’t say enough good about the personal care my brother is receiving from Dr. Sachs. We’re very grateful this area has a health care provider whose basic concern is for his patients. Congratulations, Dr. Sachs, for being among the first to open a direct primary care clinic in our area.
JoAnne Marshall
Stress and smoking
Holiday classics often mention peace, joy, and comfort, but the sad truth is that this season can also be a very stressful time. Whether it’s holiday shopping, travel, or cooking, stressors can sometimes get the best of us, and even keep us from making healthy changes ... like quitting cigarettes or tobacco.
While using tobacco products might make users feel better about stress levels in the short term, the stress usually comes back quickly afterward and often at a higher level since it’s combined with nicotine withdrawal. However, stress is just the tip of the iceberg compared to tobacco use consequences like higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, or lung cancer.
While quitting might be difficult at first, the benefits really pay off down the road. Shortly after quitting, users notice that their blood pressure has lowered. Just a few short months after quitting, users have better circulation and their lung function has increased.
You don’t have to do it alone. Free help is available through the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT NOW or wiquitline.org. Contact the Quit Line today and make your plan for a tobacco free holiday season.
Carrie Bluel
Program Assistant, Southwest Alliance for Tobacco Prevention
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