Kendall chaos
Town of Kendall officials announced at the Feb. 8 meeting they plan to sue the Darlington Fire Department, a local volunteer organization that has served our township admirably for many years. If the lawsuit is successful, the organization stands to lose a revenue base.
Chairman Micah Bahr claimed he surveyed residents’ preferences for fire and ambulance services, declaring residents favored the Belmont Fire Department instead of Darlington. However, it may be doubtful if this actually occurred as several residents have said they in fact have not participated in any such survey.
Additionally, on March 7, officials will appear in Lafayette County Circuit Court to account for their refusal to comply with a Feb. 15 state Department of Workforce Development Labor Standards Bureau’s decision stating former town clerk Ray McDonald’s five-year-old postal claim should be paid. Town of Kendall officials refused.
The matter was then referred by the LSB investigator to the Lafayette County district attorney, who fined the town by doubling the amount owed to Mr. McDonald. According to the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website, a lawyer had been hired by Bahr Feb. 1 to fight the LSB investigation and decision, but not approved until the Feb. 8 meeting.
Kendall officials are also suing a hapless Amish farmer to remove his driveway, disrupting milk truck entrance, because he has a sink hole adjacent to his farm. The logic of removing the driveway — and how this action will solve the problem — has yet to be determined. The proposed lawsuit has never been an agenda item.
With three legal entanglements, all generating huge legal fees, one wonders if Bahr feels he is a Napoleonic leader, pushing battles on all fronts like the tyrant did at Waterloo. We all know what happened to the French.
Colleen Schultz
Mineral Point
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