A son, Tate Christopher Lemke, was born on June 25, 2021, at The Richland Hospital to Ryan and Tiffany Lemke of Richland Center. He weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 inches long. He joins a brother, Holden Lemke, 3. Grandparents are Brenda and Chris Birkerstaff of GTemecula, CA; Barb and Ken Zenger of Burr Ridge, IL; Lori Lemke of Maquoketa, IA. Great-grandparents are Charlotte Edwards of Temeula, CA; Bernie Zenger of Burr Ridge, IL; John Lemke of Clinton, IA; and Bud Mcdermott of Clinton, IA. The father is a health and PE teacher and baseball coach; and the mother is SE manager.
Ryan and Tiffany Lemke, a son