Joel and Sara Klinge have funded two $1000 scholarships for the Platteville High School Class of 2013.
“Education has been my career and part of Joel’s,” said Sara Klinge. “To support our local graduates, as they leverage their great educational experiences gained here in our local school district to further post high school education is important to us. Providing scholarships is our opportunity to give back and to encourage our young people to gain knowledge to enhance their entire life.”
Sara graduated from UW–Platteville with a Spanish Degree in Education. She taught Spanish at Platteville High School and Platteville Middle School for 32 years.
Joel graduated from UW–Platteville with a degree in counselor counseling. He was a guidance counselor at Cuba City High School before an extensive career in Real Estate Development/Management.
Joel and Sara have two daughters and a son. Molly is an attorney in Sparta, and Laura is a project manager for Motorola in Chicago. Their son, Scott, is involved in the family business as a property manager.
“Sara and Joel’s contribution is very appreciated and typical of those who have been involved in education as part of their careers,” said Angie Wright of the PHS Scholarship Fund. “They understand the need and want to help as part of what they do for the Platteville Community.”
“During her long teaching career in Platteville, Sara Klinge introduced hundreds of students to the Spanish language, led student tours to Mexico and directed the PHS Honor Society,” said former Platteville School District superintendent Dean Isaacson. “Now, in retirement, she and her husband, Joel, should be commended for having found another way to contribute to Platteville youth by providing two $1,000 scholarships.”
The PHS Scholarship Fund’s mission is to expand access to higher education for the students of the Platteville School District. The Fund fulfills this mission primarily by providing higher education scholarships for Platteville graduates to help them further their post-high school education.
“Platteville has been good to us,” said Joel Klinge. “We appreciate the efforts the PHS Scholarship Fund group is making on behalf of future graduates. It is important work, and we would encourage each of you to reach out to them if you have an interest in helping with scholarships. You can make a difference.“
To donate to the PHS Scholarship Fund, send a check to the PHS Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 46, Platteville, WI 53818. Online donations may be made at