Joe Roberts, member of the Readstown Fire Department attended the regular Readstown village board meeting on Thursday, July 12 to tell the board that the department is working on grants for the turnout gear that is needed by the department. The department held a controlled burn recently that went well. They have one new member and Joe is checking on light poles that need to be replaced or fixed.
A representative from the Chimney Rock Appraisals appeared before the board and gave a presentation on what they had to offer as assessors.
The board approved the Rural Development Loan Resolution and the Codification of the Sewer Ordinance as presented.
A donation of $500 to the Advancement Association for the upcoming Labor Day celebration was approved. The board also approved the picnic license for the Advancement Association and the fundraising dinner.
Operator licenses were approved for Vickie Schneider, Jena Olson, Tina Alexander and Lucy Dolezal.
A Community Picnic will be held on August 16 and Diane Hill will organize the event.
Approval was given by the board for the Boundary and Annexation Survey consolidation agreement.
The board decided to not place an ad in the Explore Southwest Wisconsin Magazine.
One Handbook for Wisconsin Municipal Officials will be ordered and kept in the village office.
Board member Dan Chroninger will check on what can be done about the over population of cats and squirrels in the village.
Approval was given for a wheelchair ramp at a 128 W. Main Street apartment.
Under old business the board discussed the Highway 14 Bridge and discussed the land adjacent to the project and if the project would affect the use of the park in any way.
The board approved the Vernon County Sheriff’s contract as presented. The department will be on a monthly contract until further notice. There is a truck on Main Street that must be removed as it has been on ramps for a long period of time.
The board approved the purchase of vacuum breakers for the cross connection inspections and approved Davy Laboratories to do water samples for the village for a six-month trial period.
A load of bottom ash or alternate materials was approved for the streets.
The board awarded the bid to Coleman Construction to put steel roofs on the Well House and Shelter in Tourist Park. The board would like the work completed before the Labor Day Celebration.