DARLINGTON - Issues with high overtime was brought up at the Lafayette Manor Committee meeting on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.
Jill Boelk, Lafayette Manor Human Resources, reported that overtime for April was at $10,484. This is up from $8,929 in March.
Tony Ruesga asked why is the overtime up? Peggy Rolli, Manor Administrator and Boelk answered that they have had some illnesses, two Family Medical Leaves, vacations, one serious medical condition, one retiring, etc.
Ruesga said, “What bothers me is these raises that we gave out within the last seven months, were sold on overtime going down. The overtime has dipped down $1,500, but in April it’s as high as it ever was.”
Rolli is hoping the PRN (as needed) staff working more hours and paying the CNA’s $18.00 per hour (non-benefitted) will correct the overtime numbers. Ruesga hopes administration stays on top of the overtime hours.
New policies that the Manor is adopting may help with the overtime issue. Those new policies are: requiring PRN staff to work one weekend a month and one shift during the pay-period and allowing RNs, LPN’s and CNA’s to only take two weekends off that they were scheduled to work. The new policies will go into effect by June 2017.
Financial Report
Rolli noted in the financial report that it has preliminary numbers, so there will be corrections made to the report. For the month of April 2017, the net revenue was $359,978 and expenses for the month were $440,738, leaving a net loss of $80,759. The year-to-date numbers look a bit better with revenue at $1,687,317 and expenses at $1,607,717 for a net gain of $79,599. Rolli stated the wages and fringes are currently under budget year-to-date. The committee approved the financial report.
Management Report
The committee discussed the Nursing Staff Compensation for PRN (as needed nurses) status employees at the Lafayette Manor. A resolution, that was approved at a previous Manor committee meeting, a HR committee meeting and will be scheduled to be voted on in the full County Board meeting June 6, 2017 is to offer the RNs an additional five dollars per hour for PRN/Non - benefit status and four dollars per hour for LPNs for PRN/Non - benefit status. We will also offer a sign on bonus for a full-time RN at $1,000 and full-time LPNs at $750 with a 1-year commitment at the Lafayette Manor.
Rolli said the current generator at the Manor is over fifty years old. A new rule pertaining to nursing homes emergency preparedness, states the life expectancy of generators is thirty years. Rolli thought this should be discussed and put in the budget for next year. The bidding process has not started, but Rolli feels this will be an expensive item.
The Manor currently has a contract with Waste Management for $654 per month for their solid waste and recycling. Farahty proposed picking up the Manors garbage and recycling for $403 per month. The committee told Rolli to go ahead with that as soon as the Waste Management contract expires.
ECS is nursing home specific software that manages the financial side of business. Roelli asked if there could be a training session from American Data, Sauk City for the Manor’s financial people. The cost involved would be $2,080 and $65 per hour for travel time. This item is not budgeted. This item will be brought back to the committee after the budget is looked at.
The current oxygen provider from Iowa will no longer be providing oxygen so the Manor will need to find another vendor. Rolli and staff met with Monroe Medical Supplies of Monroe. She thought they would be a good fit. A motion was approved to go with Monroe Medical Supplies for the Manor’s oxygen needs.
Other Business
• The committee approved to pay invoices of $00,000.
• The committee approved a bid from Southwest Asphalt Sealing Co., Platteville of $1,880 for seal coating the south parking lot at the Manor.
•The Manor had one admissions and one discharge for the month of April. The census as of April is 56 residents. Currently the census is 57.
•Boelk reported currently the Manor has 90 employees, 40 full-time, 17 part-time and 33 fill-in status.
•The Manor’s Fall Cook-out was tentatively scheduled for Sept. 6, 2017 and will be held at the Fairgrounds this year. The Manor’s Auxiliary sponsors this event.
Manor looks at overtime