SHULLSBURG — The Shullsburg City Council meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2017, was called to order.
Bart Nies from Delta 33 was on hand and presented the council with options on how to treat phosphorous at the wastewater treatment plant.
According to Nies the DNR has required, for the last five years, phosphorous reporting for all waste water treatment plant facilities in the state, Shullsburg’s current permit is due Sept. 2017. Part of the permit is for Shullsburg to have plans in place or have a variance by Sept. 30 to satisfy the DNR’s requirement for phosphorous treatment.
Two options were proposed by Nies – The first option Shullsburg could choose was to apply for a multi-discharge variance (MDV) says ‘we know we can’t meet the 0.075 milligram per liter limit by 2021, but we can get below 0.8 milligrams per liter by 2021.’ The other option is the city can add chemical, sorbX, which has been used in Shullsburg previously and showed it can get the phosphorous levels downs to the 0.075 level.
Rough estimates, according to Nies, just adding sorbX to get down to the 0.075 level will add $20,000 above and beyond what it costs to run the sewer plant right now. To get down to the 0.8 level and adding less chemical and paying $51 per pound (of waste) to the watershed authority would cost $19,500.
The council approved going ahead with adding the sorbX to get to the 0.075 level. With this option a 24’x24’ building will needed to be constructed, with a 4,000 gallon chemical storage tank, pumps and equipment. The estimate costs for the building, tanks and equipment is $300,000. The official motion was to approve a chemical addition building for effluent phosphorus treatment with tank.
Rip Rap Fever
Rip rapping at the city garage area. At the Oct. 29, 2016 meeting it was approved to rip rap the Fever River to the east of the County O bridge. At that time the total cost of the project was $45,000 and Shullsburg’s portion was $25,000. A grant will pay for the rest.
Alder Duane Wedige said after speaking with Lafayette County Land Conservation and the DNR the new cost estimate is between $4,000 and $7,000 (with no grant involved). At the June 7, 2017 meeting the approved motion for the rip rap project and the second was rescinded. No action was taken pending the final approval of the DNR.
Veteran’s Memorial at Badger Park
Wayne Gehrt presented the proposed an update of the current Veteran’s Memorial. Gehrt stated the project will cost about $50,000 with himself and an anonymous donor splitting the cost. The renovations include: a 22 foot granite circle in the center with a star, around the flagpole; a special colored concrete will be used for the remainder of space; stars stamped in the concrete; new landscaping; new lighting. The city agreed to remove the current concrete. Gehrt expects it will be completed in August. The council approved the project. Any donations to the memorial will only be accepted from veterans.
Revolving $1,000,000 Loan
The council approved an agreement between the City of Shullsburg and Grant County Economic Development (GCED) that will have GCED administer $1,000,000 that the city will loan to White Hill Cheese at 1% for an expansion project. The $1,000,000 came to the city in the form of a CDGB-ED grant received from the Wisconsin Department of Administration. The City of Shullsburg will pay GCED $8,000 in administrative fees.
Committee Reports: Water – new software program is progressing; pool is open; all the water projects for the 2017 street project are complete. Sewer – valve that we have been messing around with is finally installed; seal coat the wastewater treatment plant parking lot, estimate of $855; manholes to be replaced are approximately $10,000. Park – meeting discussing the arsenic in playground equipment was held. Streets – Sidewalk is finished next to the Post Office, blacktop will be done soon. Police – looking into a CHG Grant (cop hiring grant) that will pay 75% for a part-time officer. Library – furniture came in, some of the furniture goes to Gratiot. Building & Grounds – shades are ordered.
In other business:
• Nick Doyle and Verne Jackson gave an annual report for the wastewater treatment plant.
•Approved bills- $73,721.
•Ries updated the progress of the 2017 infrastructure project. The project is mostly complete, except for paving – paving will take place June 26 or 27 with a binder layer and finish layer. If it gets too hot or too close to the Shullsburg July 4 festivities the final layer will be postponed.
•Approved adding the Pledge of the Allegiance to the agendas and a change in the ordinance to accommodate that change.
•Approved going ahead with sealing the wooden playground equipment (to protect from arsenic) and accepted an in-kind donation from the Fourth of July Committee.
•Discussed vehicles that are allowed in Badger Park.
•No action regarding special event liquor license for The Burg, as no representative was present.
•Approved a special event liquor license for Water Street Saloon, LLC. August 12, 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for a benefit for Crystal Rasch. Water Street will be closed.
•Approved temporary operator license for July 1 – 5, 2017.
•Approve operator license applications for July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018.
•No action on street repair for North Iowa Street and West Truth Street. Costs for blacktop have not been received.
•Approved $2,500 for crack filling at the Shullsburg City Garage by Galena Black Top Service, Galena, Ill.
•A motion was made not to join the Lafayette County Economic Development Corporation. The $5,100 dues will not be paid.
•No action was taken on updating the City of Shullsburg Municipal Code book.
Shullsburg will treat phosphorous with chemical SorbX at WWTP