The Platteville Community Arboretum announced that Livingston State Bank pledged $5,000 to the Moving Platteville Outdoors Rountree Trail Paving, Lighting and Trail Enhancement project.
“When I came to understand that the MPO Rountree Trail project was being led by a collaboration of Building Platteville, PCA, PCF, City and the UW–Platteville Foundation involving all segments of the community, I knew we were going to support this,” said bank president Doug Martin. “I understand from PCA that individual members of PCA have contributed or pledged over $100,000 and that PCA has committed to match city maintenance of paving up to $2,500 per year.
“Bringing tax dollars back to Platteville via this [Department of Natural Resources] grant of $642,692 is a significant benefit to Platteville along with the work for area residents that it will provide. Furthermore PCA shares that expenses for fundraising like printing costs, signs and the purchase of student labor to supplement volunteers in helping with the distribution of door hanger fund raising material to residents and those attending our educational institutions have been covered by PCF and PCA individual members so that these costs do not come out of the money raised for the trail. We as banks, businesses and residents must step up and help finalize this matching fund effort now. This is a rare opportunity.”
“Since LSB opened their initial branch in Platteville, Doug and LSB have very actively supported projects when approached with a good sound plan to do right things for Platteville,” said PCA board member Gene Weber. “They have sponsored PCA to the tune of $1,000 per year since their arrival. And now for MPO, they not only donate $5,000, they also conducted a brat sale that raised $500. These latest efforts to support PCA Projects have made LSB the lead bank financial supporter since their arrival.”
The Moving Platteville Outdoors Rountree Trail Community Campaign has received $4,000 from local residents — 16 percent of the $25,000 challenge match put up by the Cindy Tang Charitable Trust. Contributors of $100 or more will receive a yard sign.
Anyone wishing to make a donation can write a check made out to PCA and mailed to P.O. Box 302, Platteville, WI 53818 (note MPO in the check memo line). Contributions can also be made online at Contributions to PCA are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.