By Kayla Barnes
Six Darlington High School seniors, and best friends, created a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for the Health class to educate people on the effects drinking and driving can have on your life. That video is being passed around on Facebook and is creating quite a buzz.
Meagan Jacobson, Molly McDaniel, Hannah Hauser, Julia Hardt, Gina Douglas and Katie Calvert were assigned to create a PSA that could be on anything relating to drugs or alcohol.
“We were thinking about doing something silly then thought why not do something that would have an impact,” Meagan commented.
The girls, along with the help from the Darlington Fire Department, Southwest Health Center and Darlington Police Department produced the six and a half minute video.
“We didn’t think it was going to be this big,” Hannah stated.
The video consists of Katie, Hannah, Molly and Gina going to a movie instead of going to a party that Meagan and Julia are attending. Meagan then gets in the car to drive home drunk and hits Molly and Gina, killing Molly and sending Gina to the hospital, where she then succumbs to her injuries. Meagan is then booked into jail and the girls reflect on Molly and Gina’s lives and how they have impacted their lives.
“When we did the interviews it was really impacting because we were all emotional,” Molly explained.
“I kept laughing while trying to be serious because I didn’t really want to picture that type of situation,” Katie said.
The girls heard about how the video had made an impact on the community.
“We’ve talked to people and they tell us how they tear up watching it,” Gina mentions.
“I’ve had people from the community come up to me and they said the video was so good and how it effected their life,” Katie added.
After making the video, the girls mention how creating some of the scenes in the jail were scary.
“I got an actual mug shot. Bad people had stood right where I did and I was like ‘wow I never want to be in this position’,” Meagan explained.
Hannah and Gina had quite the experience, having to call the 911 center and being hooked up to the machines at Southwest Health Center.
“I was freaking out when I had to call 911. I was almost hyperventilating,” Hannah said.
“It was crazy, having all that stuff hooked up to me,” Gina mentioned.
But all the girls had fun creating the video and would doing it again if they had the opportunity. They felt the video made an impact on everyone and was well worth it.
“We’ve learned some good things. It makes you think,” Julia stated.
“Hopefully people that need to see it see it do and take it seriously. Everyone needs to hear the story,” Molly added.
The video was placed on the Internet on Monday, Jan. 4 and it has gone ‘viral’ throughout the small community, being viewed on YouTube over 2,400 times.
Darlington Students make Drinking and Driving PSA