Nov. 22, 2015
New Brighton, Minn.
I returned from Beirut Lebanon a few days ago to see social media and the news bombarded with opinions on Syrian refugees and immigration. Needless to say, this is a very personal issue with me since I have just spent a few weeks mourning the loss of family members in the Syrian war and helping my in-laws shore up their wood, cardboard and plastic tents for the winter rains. They lost everything in Syria and are doing their best to survive in Lebanon. It was disheartening to read all the opinions until I started reading my backlog of Dials.
Thank you Erin Martin for the wonderful article in the Oct. 29th issue of the Dial about my Dad Leonard Swenson and his work with Kids Alive International in Lebanon. My weeks there this Fall continuously reminded me of his commitment to the Lord and the vulnerable boys in that land.
No matter what your opinion is about the situation in the Middle East, we have to agree that the children are the victims. The work of DEA in Lebanon, where Dad spent over 30 years, took in six Syrian refugee boys this fall. What these boys have experienced in their young lives is beyond our imagination, yet they now are secure, happy, growing boys adjusting to a new life of love and learning.
Again, I want to thank the Boscobel community for the support they have given in the past and continue to give in helping our family and KAI reach out to the most vulnerable and needy boys.
I am looking forward to spending a few weeks with my Dad over Christmas and enjoy the love and joy of the season in Boscobel. May we always be grateful for the privilege we have to be here in the USA and the freedom we have to move around and gather with family.
- Becky Hamoud