Wisconsin’s right-wing Republican leaders despise socialism and do not like democracy. They have attacked democracy by imposing the nation’s most severe gerrymandering of congressional districts; by reducing voting hours in urban areas; and by requiring voter registration that discriminates against the urban poor who do not have cars or driver’s licenses. Because the anti-democratic actions are concentrated in urban areas, they raise suspicions of racism.
The attacks on democracy have tainted Wisconsin government with fascism. Fascism is an autocratic form of government that is intolerant of opposing views and is often accompanied by racism.
In the current heated presidential campaign, it is not uncommon to hear conservatives express disgust toward candidate Bernie Sanders because he is running as a social democrat. Curiously, many of the conservatives who disparage democratic socialism enjoy Social Security, Medicare, and the Veterans Administration’s medical programs, which are classic examples of socialism.
Conservatives who express disgust with Bernie Sanders’ social democracy do not express similar concerns about right-wing attacks on democracy. In fact, democracy has less to fear from Bernie Sanders than it has to fear from Gov. Walker, Senate Leader Fitzgerald, Assembly Speaker Vos and their “creeping fascism.”