November 24, 2015
Boscobel, Wis.
Letters to the editor by Fr. Thomas Kulp of Blue River and Dianne Post, Phoenix, Arizona, certainly seem to validate the often-quoted saying that “there are two sides to every story.” However, for those of your readers who are interested in determining the truth for themselves, they can find convincing evidence of the deception, corruption and scandal that surrounds the organization of Planned Parenthood by accessing
On July 14th, the Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of undercover videos that took place over the course of several years. The videos feature executives and staffers at Planned Parenthood and affiliated businesses discussing and demonstrating human organ harvesting and fetal body part trade. They can be viewed at (or just Google “ the federalist’s guide to PP videos”). Be aware that some of the footage is quite graphic.
As to the claims that the videos were “highly edited,” PP’s own analysis found the videos were not substantively manipulated and a second analysis commissioned by a conservative non-profit found the same. See:
As the youth of today are fond of putting it: “Just sayin’.”
Donna Larkosh
Pregnancy Helpline of Boscobel
Editor’s note: The United States House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the states Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Kansas initiated investigations into Planned Parenthood clinics handling of fetal tissues. No evidence of wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood was found. On October 13, 2015, Planned Parenthood announced that they would no longer accept reimbursement for fetal tissue donations.