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Letters to The Platteville Journal for June 8
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Ask questions

As the 2016 elections approach, we all owe it to ourselves to use our imagination to picture the state and the country as it could be. Imagine excellent schools. Imagine no child living in poverty. Imagine affordable higher education. Imagine livable wages. Imagine no potholes. 

Each of us can make the list of things in this imagined world longer. The key is to think about those things that you would like to be different in Wisconsin and the nation. If we can imagine it, the policies are probably available to begin making these things a reality.  

Your vote could be a first step toward that reality. Don’t let your candidates get by with a handshake and a smile. Ask them about the world they envision in five or ten years. Ask them what policies they will pursue to make their vision a reality.  

Cast your ballot based on how well your candidate’s vision and their plans for attaining that vision mesh with yours. The future is too important to be left to chance. We have to think about it and plan for it. 

Ernie Wittwer


A HIPPA violation?

If your readers have been keeping track of the current Congressional investigation concerning Planned Parenthood and its involvement in the illegal procurement and selling of aborted baby parts, they may or may not be aware of new evidence that has surfaced.  

It appears that StemExpress, a procurement company, and a number of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics share patient’s private health information potentially in violation of the Health Insurance Privacy and Portability Act privacy rule and Institutional Review Board regulations. U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn reported Wednesday that the Select Investigative Panel has also discovered evidence that these companies appear to have pressured women into consenting to donate their aborted babies’ body parts.  Blackburn is calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the potential violations.

“The key to understanding the HIPAA and consent violations that we’ve referred to HHS is that there’s a business contract between StemExpress and the abortion clinics under which both sides make a profit from the baby body parts inside the young woman’s womb,” Blackburn said. “The contract changes the way both entities view the young woman: her baby is now a profit-center. This betrayal of a young woman’s trust should disgust us all. It takes financial advantage, obtains consent through coercion, and deceives the woman, all in violation of federal privacy laws.”  

Readers who desire more information on this topic can find it at

Donna Larkosh
Boscobel Pregnancy Helpline 
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Pro-Life Committee


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