A daughter, Charlie Lynette Reese, was born on January 22, 2024, at The Richland Hospital to Morgan Crotsenberg and Anthony Reese of Richland Center. She weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. and was 22 inches long. She joins brothers, Franklin Crotsenberg, age 5, Dresyn Reese age 8, Landyn Reese age 6; and sisters, Alaina Crotsenberg age 8, Savanah Reese age 12, and Jaelyn Reese age 3. Grandparents are Rommy and Terry Fritz, Gary and Dawn Goodyear, Michelle Levy, and Edward Reese, all of Richland Center. Great-grandparents are Carol Hamilton of LaFarge, Marilyn and Carlyle Peckham of Richland Center, Georgie Goodyear of Readstown. The father is a farmer and process control technician, and the mother is a licensed practical nurse.
Morgan Crotsenberg and Anthony Reese, a daughter